As you complete your posts, you’ll want to update their status to reflect their progress.
There are two simple ways to change a post’s status.
1. Change the status via the post editor
Most likely, you’ll want to update a post’s status after working on it in the editor.
To do so, visit the editor and locate the Editorial Status dropdown in the sidebar.

To change the status, click on the dropdown and select one of the available statuses.

Once selected, save the post to update its status.
If you are using the Classic Editor, you will find a Post Status box in the right sidebar.

Since these boxes can be reordered, it’s recommended you drag-and-drop the status box below the Publish box at the top for easy access.
2. Change the status via the Quick Edit menu
You can also change a post’s status via the Quick Edit menu.
Visit the calendar and click anywhere on the post you want to update to open the Quick Edit menu. In the Quick Edit menu, click on the Editorial Status dropdown and select a new status.

After selecting the new status, click the Update Post button to save your changes.
The post’s color will updated immediately in the calendar to match its new status.