Unlike using Google Sheets or a third-party app for post planning, Strive uses your actual posts. This means that when you add a post to the calendar in Strive, it’s actually scheduled in WordPress!
While this is a major time-saver and prevents issues with out-of-sync calendars, some bloggers find it stressful to have incomplete posts scheduled for publication.
For that reason, Strive automatically blocks scheduled posts from publishing if they’re incomplete. Scheduled posts will only be published if they have the Complete post status.
This means you can schedule your posts freely without worrying about what will happen if you miss a deadline. In fact, what happens is quite simple.
How incomplete post blocking works
Let’s say you schedule a post for this week, but you don’t finish writing it. Life gets in the way and you don’t even log in to your blog for the next two weeks.
When you return to your blog, you’ll see that the incomplete post was not published. Instead, when you open the calendar, it will show up on the planned date with a “Missed Deadline” label.

Drag and drop will be disabled for this post, so to reschedule it, click on it to open the Quick Edit menu.
Inside the Quick Edit menu, you’ll see a notice at the top explaining that the post was not published since it was not marked as “Complete.”

If the post was finished and you simply forgot to update the status, you can click the Publish Post button to publish it with the planned date and time.
Otherwise, click on the Date & Time input to choose a new date to schedule the post. It will be rescheduled in the calendar like any other post.
How to disable incomplete post blocking
While this is a nice safety feature to prevent incomplete posts from going live, you do have the option of disabling it via the Settings tab.
Locate the “Prevent scheduled posts…” option and click the toggle to disable it.

Click the Save Settings button and this feature will be disabled on your site.