Strive is fully translatable and can work with any language.
If the text you see in the interface is all in English, this means that Strive has not yet been translated into your language.
The good news is that translating Strive is very easy.
If you’d like to translate Strive into your language, please download the strive.pot file here:
We update this file with every new release.
Next, you can download the free Poedit translation tool.

Using Poedit, you can open the strive.pot file you downloaded and you’ll see an interface like this:

Click the button at the bottom to create a new translation.
Once you do this, you’ll be able to enter your translation for each line of text in the editor. Select a line you’d like to translate and then enter your translation below.

While you are free to translate everything, it’s also okay if there are only a few lines you’d like to translate.
Once you are happy with your translation, you can send us your translation file. It will be saved with the PO extension, so it will look something like this: es.po. You can reach us via this contact form.
We’ll include your translation in the next update for Strive, and once you update to the new version, your translations will replace the English text immediately.