Revisions allow you to make edits privately to published posts, and creating them is easy.
To create a new revision, start by visiting the Posts menu. Then, hover your cursor over the post you want to revise, and click the Create Revision link.
After creating the revision, you’ll be redirected to the post editor, where you can begin making your changes. You’ll see a blue notice in the admin toolbar notifying you that you’re editing a revision and not a live post.
If you don’t see the blue notice, open the Options menu and click on Fullscreen mode to disable it.

You can also create a revision by visiting a published post in the editor and clicking the Create Revision link in the admin toolbar.

Once you’ve created your revision, visit the Posts menu and you’ll see that it’s labeled with both “Draft” and “Revision.”

This lets you know that it’s a work in progress and also a revision of an existing post.
In the Posts menu, you’ll also find a new filter at the top for your revisions.

Clicking the Revisions label will filter the Posts menu so that only your post revisions are displayed.